WallDesign can help you create unique and personalized ambiances using Graphics, Photographs & Digital Arts for Home and Commercial Spaces.

We provide Solutions to Architects, Interior Designers & Graphic Design Studios to Enhance & Decorate almost any surface.

We Collaborate with Artists & Graphic Designers in creating Surface Decor Products. Our platform also helps Architects & Interior Designers to connect with the right Graphic Artist to work on their Project.

We Connect Installers & Applicators to Install the Wall Decor & Glass Films Efficiently & Effectively.
About us
Tell your brand's story through images
WallDesign can help you create unique and personalized ambiances using Graphics, Photographs & Digital Arts for Home and Commercial Spaces.
Walls & glasses define the indoors of our home, office, shops and institutions. We give you ideas & products to make them look good.
Our aim is to make your living space more aesthetic using surface graphics products such as wall stickers, wallpaper, glass film, canvas art, graphic panels and paint stencils.

We provide Solutions to Architects, Interior Designers & Graphic Design Studios to Enhance & Decorate almost any surface.
WallDesign products can be stuck on painted or smooth walls, glass partitions & windows, wooden cupboards & doors, metal cabinets & whitegoods and vehicle bodies too.
We ensure right media selection, timely production, good packaging & delivery and easy installation of products.

We Collaborate with Artists & Graphic Designers in creating Surface Decor Products. Our platform also helps Architects & Interior Designers to connect with the right Graphic Artist to work on their Project.
We have worked with clients across many industries that has given us experience about their preferences. We know each client has a unique design taste and we try to connect the right Graphic Designer for their project.

We Connect Installers & Applicators to Install the Wall Decor & Glass Films Efficiently & Effectively.
While most of our wall stickers are DIY, when it comes to large projects we work with clients to ensure that the graphic design prints are installed on the surface by professionals.
We work on the policy of WYSIWYG - we send design previews & how they should be installed in the project space for achieving customer satisfaction.

Connecting you with WallDesign
Using Graphics to Transform Living Spaces
We transform boring walls into creative & personalized wall graphics. WallDesign has a huge collection of graphics that can inspire homeowners, offices, schools & various other interior spaces to customize their ambiance.
We love to use Decals/Stickers to decorate the surfaces. Not just small ones but large ones, larger than you & me. We also create Graphic Panels & Posters, Custom Wallpapers, Glass Films & Car Wraps.
For our ready to buy products, we hope our website offers something of interest to you. If you need more inspiration we will be happy to provide some graphic ideas to suit your liking. If you want us to work with your idea, you can always get in touch with us to create the right product for you
Get to know the kind of projects our clients have given us an opportunity to work here: .

Simply personalize your boring walls & surfaces with some creative & attractive home decor products

Graphics can be fun & expressive. Our design ideas keep pushing the limits of surface graphics design & products

See an inspiring collection of ideas to transform the look & feel of you wall. You will want to give a nice ambiance to your interiors with our collection of ideas

Browse a host of designs to personalize your wall. Gift it to a kid for their birthday or as a marriage/anniversary gift. The list is endless. Personalize to your satisfaction with these special gifts

Collaborate with Artists & Graphic Designers in creating your wall decor. Mention your requirements including photos of your space

Stickers are fun, you loved it when you were a kid, your kids love it now. They have a great life, create your desired look & feel at home/office & you can change them as times change. Shop now
So try it now! Quick & easy Surface decor with WallDesign
Very good quality. I’m happy with the design as well as delivery and great service provided by WallDesign Team, prompt and patient with all my requirements. Thanks. (Customer ordered Your Photo into Wall Sticker)
Mrs. Vaishali P. is one of our many Happy Customers.

राहुलजी सुंदरेल्ला की WallDesign की सर्विसेज मैं व्यक्तिगत रूप से पिछले 5 वर्ष से लगातार ले रहा हूँ। मुझे पूर्णरूप से संतुष्टि है एवं इनकी सर्विस की वजह से ही मैं अपने जोधपुर शहर एवं अन्य स्थानों पर सही सर्विसेज दे पा रहा हूँ।
आपका काम बहुत सराहनिय हैं। प्रभु से प्रार्थना है कि आप निरंतर प्रगतिपथ पर चलें।
संजय पंवार | Krishna Decoxprt | Jodhpur | Dealer Partner
The idea behind Sunderella™ (the company) & WallDesign® (the brand) is to provide a solution in the Indian market to decorate the walls & any surfaces of our living spaces with graphics & textures.Founders - Rahul & Eva C. Sunder
2009 - An Idea is Born
When we started, there was only painting walls in India. Wallpaper was a trend abroad and just catching on here, being one of the few ways to enhance the home ambiance. We discovered and were amazed by the avenues of personalization with wall decals / stickers and vinyl surfaces. Indeed, the different ranges of Vinyl make it possible to compliment flat and painted surfaces both indoors and outdoors. We use graphics through pictures and digital arts to transform the surfaces of a space / room and give it a whole new look.
2010 - Our Humble Beginnings
Our venture started in Bangalore when we formulated the idea as we saw our first child grow from an infant to a toddler. We got our first project early in 2010 thanks to sending our son to summer camp at Shishya Nursery. We had to provide outdoor boards for the playground area and we designed some unique creative graphics in close association with a designer intern from France.
2011 - BNI to the rescue
During our initial phase we were thinking of ways to introduce vinyl surface graphics as a solution to the world. So Eva joined a business networking forum called BNI. Thanks to this marketing platform, we got clients & projects that allowed us to use our creativity, explore materials and refine our capabilities. BNI encouraged us to present our ideas every week in a unique way and made us more professional in our services.
2012 - A network with Architects & Institutions
We grew our network with Architects and Interior Designers to promote our concepts. We also built a solid base with French clients who needed a reliable entity providing quality design and project execution. Exciting moments include the mindtree creche nursery design project which got noticed by hundreds of parents, and our life-sized wall graphics at the Alliance Française, Bangalore that got visitors posing for pictures.
2013 - WallDesign website
We wanted to reach out to more customers and enable them to decorate / personalize their homes quickly and easily. During the next 2 years we got busy to setup our online store under the brand WallDesign, creating “Do-it-yourself” products and large theme based decals.
2014 to NOW
Over the years we've learned much, grown, moved and expanded. As our family grew bigger, we were seeking for more stability and balance in our lifestyle. Since we also had to structure efficiently the organization in order to take the load from online orders, we moved to Mysore in 2014...
Your feedback keeps us going
The response has been great from our customers as we help them to decorate their space uniquely. Do inspire us by emailing photos of our decals in your home and the creative ways they are put to use. The journey has been truly fruitful making up for all the late nights working on our brainchild.
Thanks to WallDesign team
We are thankful to our team and the people we work with on projects. We're here for your custom needs and can recommend some designs or show previews on your wall too. Just message us →