Top 35 Teen's Room Decor Ideas With WallDesign's Wall Murals and Printed Vinyl Decal

Top 35 Teen's Room Decor Ideas With WallDesign's Wall Murals and Printed Vinyl Decal

Demystify teenage whether boy or girl with a 'feeling' heart

Giving up is never on the cards with a teen around. Shed the old stereotypes about the confounding teen. Bring the change you've envisioned -beginning with his or her room.

Some teens can be difficult to pigeonhole as they show contradictory likes and dislikes. They can be a little bit of everything- only to add fuel to your difficulty when it comes to renovating his or her room. However, there are some styles from WallDesign that would grab any teen's attention.

Bring An End To The Cacophony Of Confusion With Music Stickers

Music is not just the food of love, but life itself. It can chip out all the unwanted thoughts of a distracted mind and harmonize our internal systems. WallDesign's music stickers are sure to strike a chord with your music-enthusiast teen

Pick up a guitar decal. Electric or acoustic, a guitar is one of the most popular instruments associated with rock, metal, jazz, and pop music. It will be a good choice for a room of a rockstar in the making

Feel the guitar is to cliché? How about some sophistication and symbolic references?

In this linear sticker, notice how the musical notes are interspersed with a cardiogram to reinforce the idea of music being a person's life.

To set the perfect ambiance for a music-based theme, paint the walls with earthly colors like shades of brown, warm gray, and green. You can also try a metallic color that would reinforce the character of this musical theme.

Experiment And Innovate By Unleashing Science

A teen with a scientific bent of mind can pose you with probing questions. Instead of racking your brains to find a solution, use it to give a boost to the budding scientist in your house!

Experiment and innovate by unleashing science

Play along with WallDesign stickers that present science as an all-encompassing study of the world around us.

Caring For The Night Owl In Style

If you feel your teen is losing on precious sleep, then go for bedtime stickers near his or her bed which would serve as helpful warnings.

Caring for the night owl in style

The lack of colors on this sticker is likely to induce sleep just by merely staring into it- your own little version of sleep hypnosis for the love of your teen. The Zs are scattered spatially and the varying sizes is a cool way to declare “catch some Z's”.

An Urbanized Look For The Artistic Teen

Does your teen see graffiti as a mode of self-expression? Decorating a room on those lines is a good gesture towards appreciating his or her passion. You can try creating a focal point with a bold graffiti mural.

An urbanized look for the artistic teen with our graffiti wall mural

To give an effect of an alleyway, you can paint the adjacent walls in gray. Bringing in elements of street signs is another way to complement the theme of graffiti and street art.

An urbanized look for the artistic teen with our street signs wall decals

No alibi is valid to deem your teen as indescribable. Delve into the intricacies of his or her mind and heart to unearth their true passions. When you do, encourage them to chase their dreams. Ensure you're doing your best as you will reap the bountiful harvest in the future. Count on in WallDesign to give you the smile of accomplishment!

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